Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Clean-up (among other things)

Well, the roof was on, the a/c guys and plumbers were there, and Mom and Dad gathered up their crew (us kids) to clean up around the outside of the house. There were scrap piles, plastic piles, shingle pieces, and various other types of trash scattered around the building site, so we got a fire going and went to work.

We're thinking about renaming our farm to 'Toad Hall'. We found five toads, one purple and four black, in scrap piles.

See what happens when we let him have matches?

The smoke from the trash fire looked really pretty when the sun came through the trees just right

Hannah had to roll up all the nail strips we found...

That is, when she was working.

Straight ahead, the in-progress clearing for electricity, etc

We have a roof! Yay!

The front of the house, slightly more finished this time!

Inside the house...

Looking up the staircase...

And Josh. Need we say more?

"When are you guys gonna be done? I'm bored. I'm hungry. This cardboard smells weird!"

Well, that's it for this post! TTFN!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

It's A Frame Up!

Well, before, our house was basically a hole in the ground, then a hole with concrete walls. Now comes the part where we all got really excited...when the framers started work!

The end of the first two days

Messy messy boys!

Like our staircase?

The truss truck had an interesting time getting into our driveway!

The trusses were picked up by a crane and, depending on their size, laid on the ground or on top of the walls.

These weren't even the big trusses!

I wouldn't want this job!

Or this one!

Halley amuses herself. "OK, wait until they're not looking and lick 'em!"

"Ha-ha, got her! Score one for the doggie!"


"Mom! Play with me!"

"Fine, be that way!"

The beginning of our ceiling

The Great Room

The finished product (if you don't care about three windows, shingles, siding, sheetrock, etc...)

Time to go! (Halley: "Oh no, Hannah's driving! Get me outta here!")

Now remember, this happened over a period of about ten days. If we showed all the pictures, you'd be bored! :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Let's Keep Rollin'

OK, well after digging out the foundation and pouring the footings, they put up these things called forms.

Like our walls?

And here are the real walls, plus our lovely pile of gravel!

Josh is, as usual, being a monkey--Hannah and I are very content to stay on the ground!

Tarring the walls to waterproof them...

And then the paper stuff, also to waterproof them.

This is the rebar for the basement floor

Dad was fascinated with the way they wired the rebar together with this little tool.

Here's our basement floor! We actually went rollerblading on it the day after it was poured. Unfortunately, we don't have any pictures of that.

Next post, framing the house!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Action Begins

Here we are spraypainting the driveway.

Dad (left) and Kevin, our general contractor, going over house plans. The action is about to begin!

Out of the way, dozer coming through!

Man, he means business!

We had a lot of knocked over trees so by the second day, it was time for us kids to start working. Some friends kindly helped us out. From left, there's Sam, Josh, and Si. (Yes, we trusted them with chainsaws. Scary, isn't it?)

Now Josh, what did Mom say about monkeying around?

Like our rock? It was probably five feet tall and two feet thick.

Can I drive?

And Hannah, Heather, and Dad in our basement!

This covered about the first week of building.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Welcome to Three Springs Farm building blog! We'll be updating this blog hopefully very frequently with pictures and posts on how the building is going. Hope you enjoy!