Monday, April 7, 2008

Catching You Up To Date

HI everyone! I'm so, so, so sorry it's been forever! The family has been going nonstop since Christmas. I'll try to start getting back on the pictures soon. Here's what's been going on since Christmas:
My grandparents' fiftieth anniversary, which was really cool! We had a big party (well, actually it was a bit more refined than just a "party" was a reception) for them. I met lots of people my grandparents and mom knew but I'd never met, and yet they knew all about me, Josh, and Hannah!
The second season of the Springfield Homeschool Acers started. Josh played goalie, and he was even more of a crowd-pleaser than last year! The guys who returned definitely improved on their playing skills for indoor soccer and all the new players quickly figured it out. They did really well, winning three, tying one, and losing four! So it was a definite improvement over last year.
I only missed one of their games, because I went to Camp Barnabas for their off-season "Barn-a-break" program, which is totally awesome! You only spend 24 hours at camp, just right for a fun time and perfect to introduce someone to the camp environment!
Of course, we still have orchestra. Josh and Hannah were sick the day of Federation, the music evaluation/contest. My choir got a 5 (highest rating) Josh's classes got a 5 and a 4, and Hannah's class got a 4. So we didn't do too badly!
After soccer we got a small break, then it was on to track! The Knights have shrunk a lot from last year, but that's OK because it gives the coaches more time to work one-on-one with people. Josh and Hannah are running this year, and Dad and I are helping coach (Dad with hurdles and me with high jump). We had our first meet a week ago. I don't know times or anything really, because it was only a practice meet and I was inside helping run high jump since it was too muddy and wet to do it outside. Josh also has baseball practice, the same days and times for track, so he's trying to figure out his schedule so he gets to practice both things. He hemmed and hawed for a while about baseball, but his friends Sam S and Jake B are playing so he decided to, especially since it's Sam's last year to play.
Oh yes....our friends Rachel S and Colin C got married!!!! So I guess technically Rachel S is now Rachel C...yeah. I played music for the wedding in an ensemble from orchestra and Josh helped Colin's brother Owen and Nattie W take pictures. It was really sweet, and we all liked their ceremony--short, sweet, and to the point. :0)
Yeah, and say congrats to Mr Seventeen! Josh's birthday was Friday. He has his driver's license now, which is really scary to think that he could be driving by himself. Dad designated us to go pick up pizza one night soon after Josh got his license, and Josh said, "I'm driving!" I was like, no, you can't...oh wait, you can! Not right!
Hannah's birthday is coming up too and she can't wait to be thirteen. Now she'll officially be part of the "teenagers".
My dad had knee surgery for torn cartilage, but it went okeydokey and now his knee doesn't hurt him at all!
Oh yeah, and WE MOVED IN!!!!!!! It was great! I'm planning to do an entire post about that, with pictures. The two S families, the Ms, Owen C, and Josiah H came to help us move. More about that in the next post!
So we've been crazy busy, yes. Again I apologize for not posting for forever. I'll make sure I got posts going soon!