Thursday, June 26, 2008

Wow, I haven't posted for a while! Oops!

Oops…well, so much for posts soon, huh? Sorry! OK, let’s see...track finished up in May. Josh and Hannah did very well. Hannah got two firsts, a second, and a third. Josh got two seconds, a fourth and a fifth.

Now it’s onto baseball! Josh has done very well this year. He’s had a couple of really good hits. He also had a nice catch the game they played last. He caught a pop-fly in right field for an out, then threw it all the way to home for another out. Go Louie!

Josh and I also went to our second year of Worldview Academy, the Christian apologetics and leadership camp we went to last June. Josh roomed with Luke S and I roomed with Monica T, my friend I’d met there last year. We had a big group of kids who went this time and it was so much fun! But unfortunately we lost the staff/student Frisbee game. :0( But that was OK, at least for me, because my team won the color team competition! Go Blue!

One of the nights, Josh and Luke S heard what they thought was a cat-fight in a tree outside their dorm room. So Luke got up, opened the shades, and peeked out to see that it was raccoons! After a bit one raccoon ambled down and started to cross the street. Luke shone his laser light out of the window and he got the raccoon to chase the laser light! I almost fell over laughing when they told me the next day.

Oh yeah, and I’m wearing a foot brace right now. I hurt my foot at Worldview the first full day of camp (Monday, playing Frisbee, what else?). Luke, Josiah H, and Monica got a promise out of me to go to the doctor after Worldview, which I did. I had a stress fracture, so I’ve been wearing a brace that keeps my foot from flexing as I walk. I only have a couple more weeks to go! Yes!

On our house, all of the painting except for some touch-up and the downstairs rec room is finished. Yay!! Dad also finished up the flooring in Josh’s room, so he’s done with that. Mom, Dad, and I have closet doors (I was very excited because my closet, since it has boxes and all sorts of stuff stacked in it, is kind of a mess)! Josh and Hannah will be getting closet doors soon. Right now a guy is working on our trim and…

Mom is staining our window sills, doors, and door frames. It’s going to look so cool by the time we’re done with it!

While Josh and I were at Worldview, Mom and Hannah moved our kitchen from downstairs to upstairs. We have a real kitchen, complete with stove, oven, and dishwasher, so no more dishwashing in the bathtub! Yay!

Our kitchen!

Josh’s favorite spot.

Sam and Liz’s family had baby goats a while back and Hannah really wanted goats. So for her birthday, the S’s came over and we had two baby goats.



We're also babysitting another baby goat for the S's, Cleopatra. Josh had a hard time getting used to the goats because their pen is across the driveway from his window, so they used to wake him up every morning at 6:30 or 7. Now he just sleeps through it. :0)

And the S’s had beagle puppies for sale. Mom loves baby animals. So Mom + puppies= two more dogs.

We have Copper…

and Biscotti, or Scottie as he’s known. They’re the cutest, most rambunctious two beagle puppies on the face of the earth.

Sometimes, when they're not sleeping.
So that’s all that’s been going on, everyone! Thanks for being so patient!