Wednesday, October 31, 2007

You Know You're Building In Hillbilly Country If...

1: The fire department won’t come fill your septic tank but the local milkman will
2: The construction workers are all missing teeth
3: First thing Monday morning means after the weekend hangover has worn off
4: One of the crew disappears and they find him 15 minutes later napping in his truck
5: A screen is put in place with duct tape
6: California corners are standard building procedures
7: The dog comes along for a day and his owner expects him to get paid
8: Instead of a plumb line, they use string and a bullet
9: You didn’t want to change your address so you took it with you
10: The only way to build a house fast is to have it brought in on wheels
11: The names of all the sub-contractor companies start with the words Redneck or Hillbilly

12: You can’t send the crew to the local bar & grill for lunch because they wouldn’t make it back
13: They use a 1 gallon paint bucket to test your water pressure
14: The only day everyone shows up is payday