Monday, November 24, 2008

Sugar and Spice, Relatives, and Friends

Well, Friday was our last orchestra rehearsal before Thanksgiving break...then we go back Dec 5th, practice, play that night at Winterfest, and the next day is our big Christmas recital. Should be interesting. I'm really looking forward to Dec 7th, though, that Sunday. Justin and Sarah's family had extra free Silver Dollar City tickets, so we're doing a graduate group trip down there! Yay!! I love going to SDC in the winter, because they decorate like crazy for Christmas. It's my favorite time of the year down there!
But, back to recent events. Saturday, we resurrected the Sugar and Spice girl's group. My mom knows how to weave baskets, so she taught a class for about 20 girls and moms. It was actually a lot of fun. Hannah, Sarah T, and I were supposed to be helping. But I'm not a big basket-making person. In fact I've done it once, and that was a round-bottom basket. The one they made Saturday was a square-bottomed basket. So I had no idea how to do the bottom or anything like that...yeah. So much for my helpfulness! :0) Oh well. I had a lot of fun just yakking with Liz, Joy, Sarah, and another girl named Jordan. Here are some pics:

Explanation on that last pic: Sarah's family brought those yummy stick cookies that I can't remember what they're called...anyway, Sarah made the comment that they looked like cigars. So w took this picture and I photoshopped in the smoke. :0) We're crazy, I know!
I thought we'd have Sunday at home, but Dad changed his mind about going to Iola to meet his family. Mom didn't go because her cold is going to her chest, which means unless she stays out of the cold, she'll get bronchitis or pneumonia again...which I am determined is NOT going to happen this year! So we met Grandma and Grandpa M, Shawna, Jeremy, Jessica, James, and Choppers in park at Iola. We hung out there for a while, playing on he playground equipment and eating lunch, then went over to another park to shoot baskets. We actually ended playing a basketball game--Josh and Jeremy on Choppers, Hannah, Jess, and me. Not cool. They beat us by I don't know how many points. We were too embarrassed to keep score.
On the way home, Mom called and said she'd invited the Sunday Frisbee group over, but just the Ts and Ss were coming. So we hurried home. Mom said the house was fairly quiet until we got there--she said we didn't know that Josh, Hannah, and I could be such a source of loudness! :0) Sam and Josh disappeared pretty quickly to yak in private. So Justin, Jake, and Andrew played Cranium versus Sarah, Liz, Anna, Hannah, and me. Needless to say, the guys lost. Badly. Like they weren't even halfway around the board when the game ended. But it was fun! Liz is hilarious to watch when she's drawing with her eyes closed...she makes all sorts of funny noises! One of the things that the guys drew for us girls to act out (Anna actually acted it out and we had to guess it) was a tornado. :0) Mr. Tornado Nerd himself (Justin) was extremely annoyed he didn't get to do that one! I got a new nickname--Word Nerd--because I successfully spelled the word luscious and spelled backwards the word leisure, both under thirty seconds. I love it! :0)
Andrew and Liz almost had to act out Marilyn Monroe--but Andrew was like, "No, that's too awkward! Draw another card!"
I'm planning another Apricotpie post on my funny fairy tales, entitled "Tips of Etiquette For Princesses" and one of them is something I came up with last night in our random dinner conversation: "When kissing a frog prince, wear lip balm to prevent warts." ! :0) Yes, I admit it, I'm weird. If you haven't read it yet, go over my profile and read my "The True Story of Sleeping Beauty" and leave me a comment! :0)
Ss left about 9. The Ts stuck around til about 10. We showed them the tornado pictures, then just sat around and talked for a while. We all told funny stories...I think my favorite was Justin and his dad shooting their chickens out of a tree with bottlerockets. I told mom I want chickens just to do that! :0) Sarah and Jake just about got to walk home for telling some funny ones about Justin! :0)
So in all we had a great weekend. Next weekend is going to be extremely hectic. Wednesday night we have family arriving, then Thursday more family and Thanksgiving, Friday we're going shopping with some of our friends, then playing Frisbee, then going to the Ts house for pizza and fun! Yay!
The next weekend, we have Winterfest, the Christmas concert, and SDC!!! I love the holidays!!!!