Monday, December 8, 2008

Concert Jitters

OK, compared to the last couple, this is a pretty short post. Enjoy!

So, this last Saturday was the big orchestra Christmas concert bash! Whoohoo! I am so glad half of my Christmas performances are over!!!!

This year's concert was at Praise Assembly, Siah's church. It's bigger than Asbury, so we could comfortably seat all the performers and the audience for the first time in three years!

My family got there about noonish. I ran up the stairs to the balcony and claimed a spot in the choir section immediately by dumping my messenger bag and coat there. Then I went back downstairs, retrieved the keys from Mom, and went outside to bring in my black skirt for the performance (I was already wearing my red shirt) because of cours being me, I live in jeans so I wore jeans there. I popped the trunk skirt. So I ran back inside and said, "Uh, Mom? I think I left my skirt at home."

"Surely not," she said.

"Yes, I did. It's in my room hanging on my closet doorknob." This is why I dislike performances. There's way too much stuff to remember to get. So Mom called Dad and asked him to run home and get it for me. His truck broke down in the middle of the driveway too, so he had to fix it and get back...sorry you! :0) But because of that, I got to perform the preconcert with the Bel Canto orchestra in jeans! I never thought I'd get to perform in jeans. So that was a nice first.

Coming up next Friday is our big performace at "Amahl and the Night Visitors" which I'm no longer really nervous about, because Saturday we performed the Hallelujah Chrous beautifically! For the Glory was shaky, but all the other songs went pretty well. And the upper classes sounded really good. I didn't get really good sound because I had to sit up in the choir loft throughout all of it (Mom & Lisa M said I looked bored, but its my "listening-to-music" face because I'm concentrating on the different parts to see how they sound) so that was kind of a bummer. Jingle Bell Rock sounded really good from the last time I'd heard it, they were hitting the high notes pretty well. Major improvement. All you guys did such a good job!!

Grandma and Grandpa L came for the concert too, yay! Thank you!

Sunday was the graduate group trip to SDC, which was fun!!! However, I really want pictures, and I didn't get many on my camera, so I'm going to wait and ask Justin and Rachel if I can get pics from them.

Saturday is the h2o, I'm super excited! That's going to be sweet! We're playing the gift exchange game, and everyone's supposed to bring a funny gift that's "new or used, but not alive." So I know that some people are going to bring something dead, that's the way their brains work. I have two sweet ideas and I'm having a horrible time trying to decide between them. Josh and Hannah won't dare do either of them! :0( Oh well........

OK, I'd better get back to my serious writing. See if I can't get a couple of pages or so written today. TTFN!